July 4, 1937
Anna Margaret Anderson Hart, Nicholas J Basalyga and Louwilla
Catherine "Kate" Davie. |
About 1939
Back: Bethea Jane "Bea" "Betty" Davie,
Catherine Louwilla "Kitty" Basalyga held by Louwilla Catherine
Hart Davie, Anna Margaret Anderson Hart and David Alan Davie. Seated in
front "Clara Ann".
Est. early 1940's
Nicholas J. Basalyga and James Hart Davie
Est. Early 1940's
Nicholas J. Basalyga, Louwilla Catherine "Kate"
Davie Basalyga and James Hart Davie
Est. 1941-1942
Linda Ann Peret, James Hart Davie and Catherine Louwilla
"Kitty" Basalyga
April 15, 1945
Alberta Mae "Bert" Davie, Bethea Jane "Bea"
Davie, Eugene Arthur "Poo" Davie and Louwilla Catherine Hart
Davie with Catherine Louwilla "Kitty" Basalyga in front.
April 15, 1945
Bethea Jane "Bea" Davie, Eugene Arthur "Poo"
Davie, Alberta Mae "Bert" Davie, and Louwilla Catherine
"Kate" Davie Basalyga.
Est. early-mid 1950's
Eugene Arthur "Poo" Davie, Louwilla Catherine
"Kate" Davie Basalyga, Catherine Louwilla "Kitty"
Basalyga and James Hart Davie
October 14, 1950
Standing: Bethea Jane "Bea" Davie, James Hart Davie, Louwilla
Catherine "Kate" Davie Basalyga, Harry William Davie, Anna
Margaret "Ann" Davie Peret and Robert Edwin Davie. Seated:
James Henderson Davie, Bernard Byron Davis, Alberta Mae "Bert"
Davie Davis and Louwilla Catherine Hart Davie.
About 1970
David Alan Davie, Eugene Arthur "Poo" Davie,
Bethea Jane "Bea" Davie Erwin, Harry William Davie, Louwilla
Catherine "Kate" Davie Basalyga, Robert Edwin Davie, Alberta Mae
"Bert" Davie Davis, James Hart Davie and Louwilla Catherine Hart
Davie (seated)
July 13, 1995
James Hart Davie, David Alan Davie, Robert Edwin Davie, Alberta Mae
"Bert" Davie Davis, Bethea Jane "Bea" Davie Erwin,
Louwilla Catherine "Kate" Davie Basalyga Hoover and Anna
Margaret "Ann" Davie Peret. |
February 2004
Robert Edwin Davie, Louwilla Catherine "Kate" Davie
Basalyga Hoover, Anna Margaret Davie Peret, Alberta Mae "Bert"
Davie", Bethea Jane "Bea" Davie and David Alan Davie
Louwilla Catherine "Kate" Davie
Basalyga Hoover